Coupon Redemption Policy
By submitting Cañón Negro® Angus Beef (Black Canyon) coupons for reimbursement, you are representing consumers in retail transactions presenting Cañón Negro coupons to you and that you, the retailer, reduced your selling price by the corresponding amounts stated on the coupons. Your acceptance and redemption of Cañón Negro issued coupons also signifies your compliance with the following terms and conditions set forth below, which are incorporated into all coupons issued by Cañón Negro and its subsidiaries and affiliates including National Beef Packing Co LLC.
- Coupons are redeemable only when consumers have presented them to the retailer in retail transactions for the specified brands, products, flavors, sizes or quantities of Cañón Negro product(s) as stipulated in the coupons.
- Coupons cannot be accepted when consumers are purchasing Cañón Negro product for the purpose of resale.
- Consumers are required to pay any sales tax charged in connection with the purchase of Cañón Negro product.
- Coupons cannot be accepted from consumers beyond the applicable coupon expiration date. Retailers submitting coupons more than 90 days beyond expiration shall render the coupons void and release Cañón Negro from its redemption obligations.
- For each properly redeemed coupon, Cañón Negro will reimburse you, the retailer, as follows:
- Face value of each coupon (not to exceed its maximum stated value), and
- $.08 cents for handling each properly redeemed coupon, and
- Postage cost not to exceed actual and reasonable shipping expense, or U.S. Postal ground rate for bulk shipping.
- Cañón Negro reserves the right to request proof of purchase to show that sufficient stock of Cañón Negro product was purchased to justify the number of coupons submitted. Cañón Negro reserves the right to audit any coupon sorting or billing service of any retailer or agent that processes Cañón Negro coupons. This includes, but is not limited to, itemized invoices, product movement reports and other supporting data to verify actual customer transactions.
- Cañón Negro reserves the right to deny or refuse reimbursement and declare void any coupons presented for redemption that either:
- Bear no evidence of consumer handling (e.g., mint condition, mass cutting, etc.)
- Are not supported by proof of purchase upon request.
- Are submitted by a retailer whose address or business operation cannot be verified.
- Are redeemed outside of the authorized distribution area for such coupon.
- Have not been redeemed in accordance with performance policy or
- Are deemed by Cañón Negro to be counterfeit AND the retailer has received prior notification of such determination.
- Cañón Negro reserves the right to forward any questionable coupons to law enforcement authorities for review.
- Cañón Negro coupons cannot be utilized as a settlement tool for trade-related activities. Trade-related activities are defined as coupons redeemed in lieu of damaged or expired products, price reductions, loading or discontinued product.
- Coupons are redeemable only within the United States, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, territories and possessions of the United States and in U.S. military installations worldwide, including A.P.O. and F.P.O.?s, or as otherwise restricted on the coupon.
- Coupons are void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted by law. The retailer agrees and acknowledges that any claim or legal action against Cañón Negro arising from a coupon submission must be commenced within one year of the date that the retailer submits the applicable coupons to Cañón Negro. Any claims received or actions commenced after such one year period shall be deemed waived.
- Unless authorized in writing by a Cañón Negro representative, Cañón Negro coupons are rendered void if used in a swap box, taped to product, or otherwise made available to consumers outside their intended means of distribution. Cañón Negro coupons cannot be transferred, assigned or sold and are void if transferred from the original owner, sold, traded, or auctioned by their original recipients to any other person, firm or group.
- Retailers that fail to submit a questionnaire to Cañón Negro authorized redemption agent RPR Redemption Services, Inc., will be denied payment for any, and all, coupons submitted until verification has been completed.